CIPS Exam Results - Objective Responce March (Copy)

Our students produced some outstanding results in this sitting, with a 95% pass rate across all of our Classroom, Apprentice, and Distance Learners, with many of our students achieving 80% and above.

First CIPS Exam

This was the first exam for our new Norwich and Colchester Apprenticeship cohorts after the delay of the planned January exams, and with 90% of them achieving a pass we’re very proud of them! They’ve put in a lot of hard work and had to deal with disruptions around exams and and planned classes with COVID regulations.


Good luck to all of you awaiting your March CR exam results and to everyone sitting May exams.

July exams are booking now.

Good luck everyone!


CIPS Exam Results - Constructed Responce November


CIPS Objective Responce Exam Tips