CIPS Objective Responce Exam Tips

Taking a multichoice exam can often seem like their easier option when compared to a three hour essay exam, but with so many questions it can be easy to slip up on a few questions and miss out on that pass mark of 70%.

Don’t worry though, there’s a few really easy things you can do to make sure you get the marks you deserve.

  1. CIPS exam tip 1 - RTFQ

    Those of you who have studied with Martin, or seen the giant poster in our office, will be very familiar with this acronym. To give a more PG version though, Read The Freaking Question!

    Pay close attentions to key words like ‘not’, ‘always’, or ‘select three of’

  2. CIPS exam tip 2 - Read, PAUSE, ANSWER

    Read the question and answer it in your head, then have a look at the options you’ve been given. Compare what you thought with the answers available and find the similiarities.

  3. CIPS exam tip 3 - Find the wrong answers

    If you don’t know the answer right away, eliminate the wrong ones. Look at the language and you’ll often find one or two answers which clearly don’t fit what you’re being asked. Once you’ve done that just repeat steps 1 and 2.

  4. CIPS exam tip 4 - Answer everything

    If you don’t know an answer then flag the question and move on. Often CIPS will ask several related questions and sometimes a later question will help answer an earlier one.

    Once you’re finished then come back and answer the flagged questions. If you still don’t know the answer and steps 1-3 don’t help then as a very last resort take a guess. This is the last option once you’ve exhasted everything else, but a 25% chance of being right is better than 0%.

  5. CIPS exam tip 5 - time management

    Don’t obsessively watch the clock, but keep an eye on it. Before going into the exam you should figure out what the time should be when you’re 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 of the way through the exam, allowing for a 10 minute buffer at the end.

    If you’re taking your exam in an exam room don’t worry if other people leave before you. We all do exams at our own speed as fastest doesn’t mean best.

Cips Exams - What not to do

  1. When in doubt do not just click C! Use the steps above

  2. If you’ve answered A three times in a row already don’t assume it can’t be A again. The questions are in a random order.

  3. Don’t do eeny meeny miny moe. Unless you’ve already tried all of the steps above, and there’s 30 seconds left in the exam.

CIPS Exam Information

Overall, don’t panic.

It’s the best advise we can give and the hardest to follow.

You’ve worked hard for this exam (or, you know, opened the book at least), and the content is in your head already. You’ll be absolutely fine. Just breathe.


CIPS Exam Results - Objective Responce March (Copy)


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