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Level 6 Senior Procurement and Supply Chain Professional Apprenticeship

This apprenticeship is the top of the ladder, aimed at those in senior procurement positions.

Our Level 6 procurement apprenticeship students receive an entirely bespoke study experience for the Knowledge Element of the apprenticeship.

Why should I do a Level 6 Procurement Qualification?

  • cips level 6 sign on door

    CIPS Level 6 Qualification

    All of the resources, support, and great tutors of our CIPS level 6 course make up part of your apprenticeship.

  • you got this sign for skills coach

    Your Own Skills Coach

    You will have your own experienced Skills Coach from start to finish. All our coaches know CIPS inside and out and will help you the whole way through.

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    End Point Assessment Mentor

    You’ll get extra support from an End Point Assessment Mentor to get you ready for the last leg of your apprenticeship, to guide you ove the finish line.

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    Use the Government Levy

    Improve your knowledge and skills, get qualified, and don’t break the bank. Fund the whole qualification with the apprenticeship levy.

Level 6 Senior Procurement and Supply Chain Professional Apprenticeship

Including CIPS Level 6 Qualification

The Senior Procurement and Supply Chain Professional apprenticeship is designed for individuals across sectors, offering specialised knowledge in procurement and supply chain strategy. Senior professionals in this role manage strategic and tactical procurement, ensuring compliance with laws, governance, and emphasising ethical leadership. The program equips individuals to set procurement strategies, manage life cycles, and oversee contracts and budgets.

How long is the Level 6 Procurement Apprenticeship?

You can take up to 36 months.

Programme Overview

  • This programme is delivered online or in person via weekly sessions

  • It includes the CIPS Level 6 Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply Chain

  • Learners receive one-to-one coaching with an experienced coach

  • Learners receive Profex study guides and have full access to ABA online resources

What will you learn?

  • Strategic Ethical Leadership

  • Global Commercial Strategy

  • Global Strategic Supply Chain Management

  • Future Strategic Challenges of the Profession

  • Strategic Programme Leadership

  • Innovation in Procurement and Supply

  • Global Logistics Strategy

Costs and funding

Apprenticeship cost: £18,000

Employers paying the apprenticeship levy can use their funds to pay for this programme. Smaller organisations with an annual payroll bill of less than £3 million per year, will need to contribute 10% towards the cost of this programme. The rest will be paid for by the UK government.


  • Apprentices can be anyone 16+, but don’t be fooled by the name! It’s not just a course for people new into the sector; we have apprentices of all ages studying with us.

  • Yes.

    If you have a turn over of £3M+ then the training funds are covered by your digital account.

    If your turnover is under this then you will still only be required to contribute just 5% of the training fees.

  • Yes. Apprenticeships have changed and are no longer for entry level employees - they emphasize quality, knowledge, and practical skills for both existing and new staff.

  • Apprentices must to spend 6 hours of their working week ‘off-the-job’, but this doesn’t mean they have to away from work.

    Apprentices are simply required to be doing something which is not considered part of their usual role. This includes helping with projects, learning from others, and attending meetings. It also includes everything you do for your CIPS study.

  • First, get in touch with us, and we’ll set up a time for a chat to make sure that you know everything you need to, and that you’re chooseing the best level for you.

    Then, you need to fill out some forms with your line manager.

    Then it’s on to studying!