2020 - The New Normal during Covid Lockdown

2020 Changes

As is the case with every business, I am sure, ABA have had to make a fair few changes over the course of 2020. It has certainly been a challenge, and we’ve had to learn as we go, but looking back over the past 6 months we believe that this year has forced us to examine many aspects of the way we run our courses and adapt for the best.

Working from home proved to be more complex than anticipated; with difficulties relating to slow internet, child care, and even cats breaking chargers!

Online Learning

When lockdown started in March we switched to 100% online learning - something which proved challenging as we have always worked using in person classes for all modules. Our students supported this learning curve though and we soon had online classes up and running for the July exams.

This use of online learning has inspired a change in our teaching, leading us to change our format to a combination of online lectures and in person seminars instead of the standard classroom only work.

Why Lectures and Seminars?

Inspired by the format of successful universities, we have chosen to focus the initial classes of a module with online lectures; these are sessions in which students learn the content of the module during intensive Zoom sessions. These are then followed by an in class seminar session for students to build on and develop what they have learned in preparation for their exam. This method is proving very successful in not just helping students memorize information for exams but instead to help them to grow and develop as productive procurement professionals.

The ABA Office

We are now back in the office on Mondays and Tuesdays but remain working from home the rest of the week; this is allowing us to ensure we are all on the same page during the week without spending more time than is necessary in a busy building.


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