CIPS Level 4 Day Course

The course is split into 8 modules, with 3 sessions and mock exam for each so you’ll be able to get in depth with each subject.

We have online and in person day courses so you can join us whether you’re in Norwich, Peterborough, Chelmsford, or anywhere in the world.

With exams in each sitting you can expect to finish CIPS level 4 in around 15 months but we can speed it up or slow it down if you ever need us to.

What makes our level 4 day course great?

  • In Person or Online

    Study with a group in Norwich, Peterborough, Chelmsford, or fully online.

    Join us in one of our East Anglia centres for loads of in person time with a tutor, or study online with us wherever you are.

  • Unlimited Support

    We never put a timer on your study.

    If you need to take a break, or slow down your learning, you won’t time out of your support. We’re with you for the whole of your study, as long as you need us.

  • Start Anytime

    Join at any point throughout the year, as soon as you’re ready.

    Our rolling timetables mean that you can start at the beginning of any module, so you don’t need to wait around for a new intake.

  • Payment Plans

    Funding your learning shouldn’t be stressed.

    You can pay in full or split payments. Or, you can fund the whole of the CIPS level 3 through the apprenticeship levy, even if you’re not a levy payer.

Download our course information to find the perfect study option for you.

Or, get in touch for a chat.
(0)1603 251754

51 Ivy Road,
Norwich, NR5 8BF