How do our CPD Procurement short courses benefit employers?

I haven’t met a Procurement professional that doesn’t want to keep learning and keep expanding their ideas on how to approach the supply chain. One of the problems that they encounter though is having low training budgets and needing to convince their senior leaders to pay for CPD.

Beth of ABA Procurement at Broadway Colours teaching a CPD Sustainability Course

We’re lucky enough to be a small part of Broadway Colours’ success story and we’d like to share to help you to convince budget holders of the value of procurement CPD to the whole company.

Broadway Colours is a manufacturer of colour and effect masterbatches, plastic compounds and rotational moulding powders. They’re an SME based in Suffolk and the team is so passionate about leaving a good impact on the world and reducing their environmental impact. We delivered a sustainability short course on site with their Procurement team.

It was a full day course and covered topics such as measuring Scope 1, 2 and 3, engaging and motivating key stakeholders and practical steps to incorporating sustainable procurement into sourcing processes.

We had great discussions on how to make an impact as an SME and what risk factors there might be in the supply chain.

Since then, they have been awarded EcoVadis Gold!! A fantastic achievement that shows the commitment of the whole organisation to sustainability principles.

Whilst we can’t take credit for their success, we hope that this inspires you to keep learning, keep improving your procurement processes and to take on challenges. We love our community of Procurement professionals and East Anglian businesses, especially Broadway (even if they are over the border in Suffolk).


Meet the ABA Procurement Team


ABA has joined the Norfolk Anti-Slavery Network!